
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

First post @ Blogger.com


::huh Hang on a sec

There is no one here to talk to so I guess I am saying Hello to Me my self ?

Hello ..... Hi ..... How do you do

Oh I am fine thank you how about you ... How 've you been

::huh again

Hang on a sec .... I cant be ok ! If I were ok I wont be talking here to me myself ..... d'oh !!!!!

Ok so this be my first ever post at this Blogger thing.I have always seen all these blog sites and people writting in their blogs.People talking to themselves Hmm now thats really interesting isnt it ! your whole life opened up for eveyone to see :s

Now I aint saying that I dont talk to myself , Infact I do talk to myself ... Quite a lot too .... I guess every one does.But I didnt feel like talking to myself aloud or talking to myself in a written form and though I have read peoples blogs I Didn't really feel like doing it myself ,

But now i am here @ blogger.com doing it .... Definitely a new thing for me .

I hope Loggingg my day to day activities or what ever is on my mind or what ever I am feeling or going through would help me to keep a track of changes that occur in my life over a period of time.

But what I really wish to achieve through writting this blog is to understand myself better
Self exploration !

Lets see

Till next time Adios