
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feb 08 Photo Blog: Myself with Hamid Ali Khan

At the Ghazal Night organized by our Social Club (Bhit), May 7th, 2006.
I miss :o(

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feb 08 Photo blog: 14 February . Happy Valentine's Day everyone

Friday, February 01, 2008

Feb 08 Photo blog: 16 - 17 Jan 08- Sheraton Khi

At the "Communication skills" workshop, conducted by Wali Zahid ( http://www.britishcouncil.org/pakistan )

Receiving Certificate from Wali Zahid

Feb 08 Photo blog: 21 - 22 Oct 07 - Sheraton Khi

At the "Occupational stress management" workshop conducted by IHS pakistan ( http://ihspakistan.com/home.html)
Receiving Certificate from The trainer, Ms Mauna Gohar.
In the back ground: L to R, Dr. Asim , Dr. Abdul Baseer