
Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year 2008

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happiness when shared, is doubled !

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window.

The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the World outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm
amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on
the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.
Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it. In his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the
body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the
window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."


There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations.
Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that
Money can't buy.

"Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present."

Thank you Rubna Zahid :o)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Not tryign to impress others :o)

Did you ever see an unhappy horse?
Did you ever see a bird that had the blues?
One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is

-----> because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses. <-----–

Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955, American Author and Achievement Expert

Steps to Success - 3

Third Step:

Make Better DecisionsForce yourself to make better decisions.This means that sometimes the decision that you want to make maynot be the best decision.Instead, you may have to make a decision you didn't want to make -but it may turn out to be the best option.

Take a moment to consider all options and focus on making the rightdecisions - don't always go with your knee jerk reaction.Always take a few moments to think about making the right decisions.When you focus on making the right choices and the right decisionsyou instruct your subconscious mind to guide you and help you makethe right decision.

If you are always afraid that you will make the wrong decisionyou'll end up making a choice that you are not happy with or you'llmake the wrong decision. We all face tough decisions everyday but if you focus on making theright decisions you will. Because when you focus on making theright choice you instruct your subconscious mind to guide you andto help you make the right choice.

So look at all of the options, and focus on making the rightchoices don't rush, instead, give your subconscious mind a chanceto guide you to the right choice. Begin instructing yoursubconscious mind to help you make better decisions Remember - get clear about your goals - decide what you want.Be open to any and all possibilities - you never know how you mayachieve your goal or what might work for you.

Make the right decisions - force yourself to make better choices -get your subconscious mind to help you make the right choices sothat you live the life you want.
You can achieve your goals.You can live the life you want.
Get clear on your goals.

Be open to all possibilities and force yourself to make betterdecisions.Get your mind and subconscious mind working for you today Here's to your success!

Steps to Sucess - 2

Second Step
The next step requires that you keep an open mind - be open to anyand all possibilities.Learn as much as you can about what you want to achieve. Take a look at others who have had success and see what they havedone that you could do or that you may be able to improve upon.

Don't think that you know everything - be open to all possibilities. Don't think that there is only one way to achieve your goals - beopen to all possibilities and you may find a new way to achieveyour goal - one that would be very fulfilling.You should constantly look for different, new and unique ways toachieve your goals.

When you're open to all possibilities you empower your subconsciousmind by letting it guide you to the choice or the option that isbest for you - the one that is most fulfilling and most rewarding.If you are not open to any and all possibilities then you limityour subconscious mind - you don't allow it to help you achieveyour goals in the quickest, safest and most beneficial way for you.

Give your subconscious mind a chance to guide you to the situationsthat will help you achieve your goals by being open minded andwilling to explore all possibilities.Begin empowering your subconscious mind to help you live the lifeyou want

Steps to Sucess - 1

First Step:

The first step is to be clear and specific about your goals. You need to be decisive about what you want. You can't keep changing your mind all the time and then wonder whyyou never achieve your goals.You have to be clear and specific.

When you're clear and specific about your goals you give your mindand subconscious mind a very clear set of instructions for them tofollow.If you continually change your mind your subconscious cannot createwhat you want because it gets confused and just as it gets startedon one goal - you change your mind.Then your subconscious has to start all over again to achieve yournew goal - simply because you changed your mind.

If you change your mind again - guess what? Your subconscious hasto start all over again. And the cycle continues as you keepchanging your mind.Your subconscious cannot attract the right people, situations andcircumstances if you continually change your mind about what youwant - simply because you're not giving it enough time to do whatyou want it to do.

Your subconscious mind will only create more and more confusion for you if you remain uncertain about what you want.People who cannot make up their minds or are indecisive rarely ifever achieve success - because their subconscious mind has no ideawhat they want and doesn't have enough time to guide them tosuccess - because they keep changing their minds.So get clear and specific about your goals.

If you're not sure what you want - think about what is mostimportant to you. Then think about which goals will have thegreatest positive impact on your life.Start with those two goals - put them at the top of your list.Then stay committed to your goals.Don't change your mind.This is how you get your mind and subconscious mind working for you.

When you're clear and specific you give your mind and subconsciousmind the right instructions.When you're committed to your goals you give your subconscious thetime it needs to help you achieve your goals.

Start training your mind and subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals keep an Open Mind

Monday, December 10, 2007

The process of transition