
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Steps to Success - 3

Third Step:

Make Better DecisionsForce yourself to make better decisions.This means that sometimes the decision that you want to make maynot be the best decision.Instead, you may have to make a decision you didn't want to make -but it may turn out to be the best option.

Take a moment to consider all options and focus on making the rightdecisions - don't always go with your knee jerk reaction.Always take a few moments to think about making the right decisions.When you focus on making the right choices and the right decisionsyou instruct your subconscious mind to guide you and help you makethe right decision.

If you are always afraid that you will make the wrong decisionyou'll end up making a choice that you are not happy with or you'llmake the wrong decision. We all face tough decisions everyday but if you focus on making theright decisions you will. Because when you focus on making theright choice you instruct your subconscious mind to guide you andto help you make the right choice.

So look at all of the options, and focus on making the rightchoices don't rush, instead, give your subconscious mind a chanceto guide you to the right choice. Begin instructing yoursubconscious mind to help you make better decisions Remember - get clear about your goals - decide what you want.Be open to any and all possibilities - you never know how you mayachieve your goal or what might work for you.

Make the right decisions - force yourself to make better choices -get your subconscious mind to help you make the right choices sothat you live the life you want.
You can achieve your goals.You can live the life you want.
Get clear on your goals.

Be open to all possibilities and force yourself to make betterdecisions.Get your mind and subconscious mind working for you today Here's to your success!


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