
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Steps to Sucess - 1

First Step:

The first step is to be clear and specific about your goals. You need to be decisive about what you want. You can't keep changing your mind all the time and then wonder whyyou never achieve your goals.You have to be clear and specific.

When you're clear and specific about your goals you give your mindand subconscious mind a very clear set of instructions for them tofollow.If you continually change your mind your subconscious cannot createwhat you want because it gets confused and just as it gets startedon one goal - you change your mind.Then your subconscious has to start all over again to achieve yournew goal - simply because you changed your mind.

If you change your mind again - guess what? Your subconscious hasto start all over again. And the cycle continues as you keepchanging your mind.Your subconscious cannot attract the right people, situations andcircumstances if you continually change your mind about what youwant - simply because you're not giving it enough time to do whatyou want it to do.

Your subconscious mind will only create more and more confusion for you if you remain uncertain about what you want.People who cannot make up their minds or are indecisive rarely ifever achieve success - because their subconscious mind has no ideawhat they want and doesn't have enough time to guide them tosuccess - because they keep changing their minds.So get clear and specific about your goals.

If you're not sure what you want - think about what is mostimportant to you. Then think about which goals will have thegreatest positive impact on your life.Start with those two goals - put them at the top of your list.Then stay committed to your goals.Don't change your mind.This is how you get your mind and subconscious mind working for you.

When you're clear and specific you give your mind and subconsciousmind the right instructions.When you're committed to your goals you give your subconscious thetime it needs to help you achieve your goals.

Start training your mind and subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals keep an Open Mind


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