
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Non - verbal communication 1 of 2

Non verbal communication
Nonverbal communication consists of that part of a message that is not encoded in words.

The nonverbal part of the message tends to be less conscious and often reveals the sender’s feelings and preferences more spontaneously and honestly than the verbal part.

If the verbal message does not match the nonverbal communication, people tend to Believe the nonverbal message.

Four types of nonverbal messages
1. Personal (to the individual)
2. Common to a group of people or culture
3. Universal (to humankind)
4. Unrelated to the message (random)

Personal Nonverbal communication involves kinds of nonverbal behavior that are unique to one person. The meaning is also unique to the person sending the message.

For example, someone may work while talking; another person may work in silence. One
person may laugh due to nervousness or fear, while another may cry.

Cultural nonverbal communication, by contrast, is characteristics of, or common to, a group of people. It is learned unconsciously by observing others in the society group. In
Aboriginal culture, for example, eye contact is less acceptable than it is in European culture.

Universal nonverbal communication is behavior that is common to humankind. It shows
happiness, sadness or deep-seated feelings – for example, a smile or tears.

Unrelated nonverbal communication, such as a sneeze, is unrelated to the verbal
message. It can distract from the verbal message, but has little effect on the meaning of
the verbal part of the message.

Analyzing Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication always occurs in a context, or framework. The context often determines the meaning of the nonverbal behavior. On different occasions the same nonverbal gesture may have completely different meanings. Without context and spoken works, nonverbal behavior is almost impossible to interpret with any accuracy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, from Japan. Great!

10:21 AM  

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